On February 2022, Zuecca Projects launched its program of Art Residency in Venice. Hosted at the beginning and the end of each year, invited artists have the possibility to stay and work in Venice, at Squero Castello, for a minimum of one month, producing new artworks and developing their practice in the city devoted to Art.

Squero Castello
Benjamin Spiers – February 2024 | @benjaminspiers
Residency in collaboration with Saatchi Yates

Benjamin Spiers in Venice during his Art Residency at Squero Castello
Johanna Bath – November 2023 | @fraeulein_bath
Residency in collaboration with Judith Reisinger

Johanna Bath during her Art Residency at Squero Castello
Elana Bowsher – April 2023 | @elanabowsher
Residency in collaboration with Joan Tucker

Elana Bowsher during her Art Residency at Squero Castello
Nero/Alessandro Neretti – March 2023 | @alessandroneretti

Nero/Alessandro Neretti during his Art Residency at Squero Castello
John Robinson – February 2023 | @johnrobinsonpainter

John Robinson during his Art Residency at Squero Castello
Anna Kenneally – February / March 2022 | www.annakenneally.com
Residency in collaboration with Joan Tucker

Anna Kenneally during her Art Residency at Squero Castello