Contemporary Dialogues with Tintoretto

opening 19.10.2018

dates 20.10.2018 – EXTENDED 24.02.2019


On the occasion of the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the birth of Jacopo Tintoretto, in a project designed to underline the modernity and innovative power of his painting, the Polo museale del Veneto, the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia and Zuecca Projects present “Contemporary Dialogues with Tintoretto”.


The exhibition, curated by Ludovico Pratesi and hosted from October 19, 2018, to February 24, 2019 (EXTENDED), is focused on the dialogues between Tintoretto’s masterpieces preserved at Palazzo Ducale and Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca’ d’Oro, with the artworks by leading contemporary artists influenced, for attitude and style, by the Master.



“Beth” by Markus Schinwald, 2012. Courtesy of AmC Collezione Coppola


The exhibition is conceived as an itinerary among the different venues, and it includes two thematic sections, “Faces” and “Stories”, related to the subjects of the artworks.


“What does it mean to paint today? What conceptual and stylistic issues are faced by painters with different and distant cultural traditions? How the representation of the human face is defined to underline the most significant elements of expressions, in an anthropological, symbolic or social sense?

As Jean Paul Sartre wrote “Tintoretto is Venice even if he does not paint Venice“, with a will of psychological introspection that makes the painter’s characters extremely modern, able to stimulate a reflection on the evolution of the contemporary portrait, from a descriptive act to an interpretation of the depicted character.

The artworks by international artists of the last generations invited to “Contemporary Dialogues with Tintoretto”, offer a constellation of images that are disquieting or monumental, traditional or irreverent, to outline an overview of different portraits in a stimulating and surprising dialogue with the paintings by Tintoretto. From the master Emilio Vedova, who had a privileged relationship with Tintoretto since his youth, to American artists like Matthew Monahan or Josh Smith, the exhibition is an opportunity to think about the extreme modernity of Tintoretto, who is still able to dialogue with the most successful painters of the contemporary art scene.”


Ludovico Pratesi


“The Measure II” by Michael Borremans, 2007. Courtesy of Collezione Giuseppe Iannaccone, Milan



Michael Borremans

Glenn Brown

Roberto Cuoghi

John Currin

Chantal Joffe

Victor Man

Yan Pei-Ming

Matthew Monahan

Wangechi Mutu

Celia Paul

Markus Schinwald

Josh Smith

Emilio Vedova


Special thanks for the precious artworks to: AmC Collezione Coppola, Collezione Giuseppe Iannaccone, Gagosian Gallery, Galleria Massimo De Carlo, Victoria Miro Gallery.


The exhibition is supported by House of the Nobleman.

The exhibition is sponsored by the Bauer HotelHausbrandt Trieste 1892 S.p.A.


Image 1: “Napoleon, Crowning Himself Emperor – Black” by Yan Pei-Ming, 2017. Detail. Courtesy of Massimo De Carlo


Contemporary Dialogues with Tintoretto

Press Preview: October 19, 2018 | 12 PM, at Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca’ d’Oro

Private Opening: October 19, 2018 | 05 PM, at Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca’ d’Oro. RSVP essential:

Public Opening: October 20, 2018


October 20, 2018 > February 24, 2019 EXTENDED

Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca’ d’Oro | Calle del Magazzen 3932, Cannaregio, Venice

Palazzo Ducale | Piazza San Marco 1, Venice


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